Changes are Being Made

Hello all! I am closing my other site Gazing Stars to focus more on Lady Blue Eyes. I want this to be the hottest spot for all Rena Sofer fans! I'm looking to get a hotter layout for the...

New Look!

Hello all! Lady Blue Eyes has gotten a new look. After playing around with several themes, I settled on using this theme...for now. It looks okay but I still might need to do a few more tweaks to make...

Gallery Tweaks

I am tweaking some of the albums and categories in the gallery tonight. Tweaks can be seen in the Photo Shoots section. Instead of having the albums broken into several sections like Rena and Wally, I will merge the...

New Images Added

Hello all! I know it's been a minute but there's been an update at the gallery. I've been working behind the scenes trying to get images organized to be uploaded to the gallery. I've added a number of scans...

Gallery Updates

There has been an update at the gallery! I have a lot of images of Rena to add to the gallery so I'm starting the updates tonight. The following albums were added/updated at the gallery: The Kerry Ellison Story...

More B&B Captures Added

More captures of Rena from Bold and the Beautiful have been added the last two days and I have a lot more to add to the gallery. I haven't even made caps of her episodes from October 2014 yet!...

B&B Captures Added

I still have to add a lot of captures of Rena from daily episodes of Bold and the Beautiful. It's snowy here in Chicago so I'm trying to start that process while I have some free time because I'm...