Lady Blue Eyes

Your ultimate source for everything on actress Rena Sofer!

Lady Blue Eyes

Your ultimate source for everything on actress Rena Sofer!
Welcome to LADY BLUE EYES: RENA SOFER ONLINE, your ULTIMATE source for everything on actress Rena Sofer, who currently plays Quinn Fuller on Bold and the Beautiful! Lady Blue Eyes features a lot of resources for Rena fans including a gallery that boasts over 500,000 images! The site will always continue to grow so please enjoy your stay and come back often!

Changes are Being Made


Hello all! I am closing my other site Gazing Stars to focus more on Lady Blue Eyes. I want this to be the hottest spot for all Rena Sofer fans! I’m looking to get a hotter layout for the site and gallery. I want to add more images to the gallery. I want to add more features to the site. I want it to be huge! If you have any ideas on features for the site, please leave a comment below.

UPDATE! The articles archive, where fans can read several articles and interviews that Rena has done over the years, is currently open and ready for fans to read! I’ve added a few articles and I hope to add several more.

2 Comments on “Changes are Being Made”

  1. This has probably been asked before but I can’t find the answer and have looked in many places. My wife and I have a difference of opinion I think Rena’s eye color is natural and my wife feels they are contacts. Who is correct ?

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