Gallery Updates


Hello all. I added captures of Rena’s appearances on 24 to the captures gallery. Also started to add captures of Rena from episodes of General Hospital 2023/2024. Also added some magazine scans to the image gallery. Scans are of Rena from various soap magazines from years 1994-2003.

Night Update


Good evening! So all of the B&B captures have been added back to the captures gallery. That was a long process but it’s been completed. I will now start to take captures of 2023/2024 episodes of General Hospital and add them. I also have lots of other missing B&B episodes, Melrose Place, 24, and other shows/movies of Rena’s to capture and add to the gallery. So come back around to check for when those happen.

Captures Update


Just dropped in to say that captures for episodes of B&B from 2020 have been added back to the captures gallery. I’m working on finishing up captures for years 2021 and 2022, the end of Rena’s run from the soap. Just wanted to mention how gorgeous Rena was on B&B. They really had her looking amazing! She could rock almost every color and look stunning.

Summer Update


In between working, I’ve been working on adding the images and captures back to their respective galleries. I’ve been focusing more on the captures gallery since it’s a bit easier to update in terms of renaming the images to be uploaded. I’m up to year 2019 for the B&B captures. Got a few more years left and I hope to have it done by the end of this week.

Also added a few articles to the Press Archives.

New Summer Look!


Good evening all!

I changed the look of the main site and its galleries with this summer look by Sin21 Designs. I’m still working on tweaking how things look, mainly the latest images section of the main site. I hope it can be fixed but I’m not sure if it can be used with this version of Coppermine and PHP.

I am also still in the process of adding back images and captures to both galleries. Lots of B&B captures from 2014 have been added back to the gallery. As well as captures of Rena’s many TV and movie appearances.



Added back over 2300 images to the gallery this afternoon. I also started the process of adding the captures back to its gallery. The links for both galleries have been updated, so please make sure you are accessing the new links and not the old links.

Been a Minute


Hello all! It’s been a minute since I’ve worked on the site, but I’m back around to handle some major behind the scenes tasks that will take place regarding the site.

As I’ve mentioned before in late 2023, I am going to redo both galleries as I need to update some behind the scenes scripts. Since one app needs a special update, I will have to redo the galleries and update them as well. I’ve been dragging my feet on this because I love using the web publishing wizard to add my images to the galleries. But the new version of the gallery script just does not feature that feature, unfortunately, meaning that I have to upload images differently. I’m not going to go into all of the ways in how this is making me sick, but it’s something that needs to be done. I will first start with redoing the main images gallery and then the captures gallery. Ugh!

I will post the link for the new version of the images gallery. That one has been started and a few images have been added back.