Hello all! It’s been a minute since I’ve worked on the site, but I’m back around to handle some major behind the scenes tasks that will take place regarding the site.
As I’ve mentioned before in late 2023, I am going to redo both galleries as I need to update some behind the scenes scripts. Since one app needs a special update, I will have to redo the galleries and update them as well. I’ve been dragging my feet on this because I love using the web publishing wizard to add my images to the galleries. But the new version of the gallery script just does not feature that feature, unfortunately, meaning that I have to upload images differently. I’m not going to go into all of the ways in how this is making me sick, but it’s something that needs to be done. I will first start with redoing the main images gallery and then the captures gallery. Ugh!
I will post the link for the new version of the images gallery. That one has been started and a few images have been added back.